Get motorcycle license
Go on a road trip sans-parents

Ride the Catapult at Lagoon
Read a piece of educated literature
Attempt to donate plasma
Try snowboarding X
Ride the bus
Bake a cake from scratch
Ice skate with a boy I like
Attend 8 concerts (2 more to go)
Watch a documentary
Go clubbing
Keep driving record clean
Take a vow of silence for a day
Apply for knighthood, just for fun
Attend adoration
Tie dye something
Go to the lady's gym
Keep up with my blog! (once a week)
Possible replacements if I change my mind about these things (in other words, they're on the back burner but I'm not committing to anything):
Get my splits back
See a comedy show
Find a steady job
Move out!
I looked up how to apply for knighthood and sadly you have to be 21 but you could still apply to be an esquire.
Oh, dang. I don't even know what an esquire is.
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