Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Losers, Jazz (not the same!), and Online Games
Monday, April 26, 2010
Random Stuff
Other noteworthy news of late: Zac Efron is the newest guest to check into the 'Hotel de Sousa. He currently resides in our kitchen in 2D form, standing ever so life-like, dressed in his West High basketball garb and the standard cheesy grin. I must say he definitely got better looking as the years went on - this version of Zac appears to be a traveler from the past (no tricked-out DeLorean parked in our garage, however). Maybe he can observe that nothing has changed in his life, should he decide to go back and undo those last few films of the series and do something wiser with his life (even though I secretly am a fan of the third installment). Anyway, plans to hang out and take pics tomorrow are in the works :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Informal Kickass Review
*Warning: This is not a good review. I don’t feel like putting a lot of effort into polishing it, so I’m just going to jot down a few of my impressions of the movie. Not like anybody reads this, anyway.
So I went to see Kickass the other night with some friends. It was pretty funny, if you’re with the right company, but it’s definitely not something most adults will appreciate. For starters, the movie jumps right into the perils of puberty, with the 17/18 year old narrator monologue-ing about masturbation and how he’s so easily turned on, all he needs is to find a website with pictures of naked aborigines to get him going. Funny for some, gross for others.
The plot of this movie was somewhat scattered, I thought. Going into the theater I was expecting it to be about 3 kid superheroes that make up a justice team of some sorts, but it wasn’t really the case. Each character is going through his/her own dilemmas and situations, and they just happen to be related. Heck, they’re not all even good guys.
I have to say, Nicholas Cage was one of my favorite characters, playing Big Daddy to his little Hit Girl. Their first appearance showed Nic shooting his ‘baby girl’ outside while she wore a bullet-proof-vest, to prepare her for the shock of it in case it ever happened in the future. Their relationship is pretty comical. Hit Girl herself was extremely badass, as she stole some scenes with her impressive skills, including the impossible reloading of her two guns while rushing through the air without actually touching them … I don’t know how to explain that better, but similar things happen in other action movies. You can’t help but love these guys for making fun of the industry, in a way.

Anyway,the action WAS good, and I was pleased with the ending. Every character had something to offer to the movie, and the narration was always comical. But if I learned anything, it was how you should NOT try to be a superhero, because you WILL get mugged and you WILL get beaten up to the point where paramedics have to take you to the ER, and you must tell everyone they threw your clothes away because they were so bloody, but everyone still thinks you were found naked and had been raped.
In the end, it was a good piece of entertainment, but only for that certain age group/mindset that won’t be too uncomfortable for the gross humor. Thankfully I'm party of that category, or I wouldn't be able to give it 3 ½ stars out of 5.
*By the way, guys, a cheap trick I've found is that at those new movie theaters where you can buy your tickets on kiosks with a credit card, you can usually purchase a kid's ticket for a few bucks cheaper and get in without them checking to see if it matches your age. Just saying. If you aren't bothered by the guilt of cheating/stealing/lying/whateveryouwannacallit.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Peanut Butter Cookies
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Survey from Myspace
What's the last thing you put in your mouth? A piece of 5 gum
Where was your default picture taken? on my webcam
Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20? ummmm um um um this should not be a hard question! probably actually some bible study kids a few weeks ago
Can you play guitar hero? ohhhhhh yes
Last time you walked further than a block? i walk a lot on campus everyday, does that count?
Name someone that made you laugh today? i looked at some funny failbook entries that gave me a good laugh
How late did you stay up last night and why? like 12:30 cuz I was actually doing resumes and applying for jobs and looking for them online like crazy
If you could move somewhere else, would you? State-wise, not really. I am still on good terms with Utah. And my house is pretty badass, too. I'll be ready for an apartment in a few years though.
Ever been kissed under fireworks? no
Do you believe ex's can be friends? it depends on the situation. it's worked for me once because it didn't get too serious first, but it was still really hard. and then there are times it does not work, for sure.
Do you like calling or texting better? it depends on who i'm talking to, honestly. and my mood at the time. generally texting, though.
How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper? I don't even like regular dr. pepper
Who was the last person you took a picture of? me and friends at the second chance prom
Was yesterday better than today? no, today was the first day of summer for me. it was so awesome! perfect weather, wore shorts and a tank top.
Can you live a day without TV? easy peasy lemon squeezy
When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? i don't have a good answer to this question
Are you a bad influence? funny i get this question because my mom just told me i was, towards my cousin, because whenever i'm talking to him i should be doing my homework.
Night out or night in? in, unless i haven't been out of the house in a while
Are you more of an individual or an outgoing person? lol i don't see how those are comparable... every survey has a few duds. but um ... i would classify myself as not outgoing. introverted. whatever.
What items could you not go without during the day? i could go without food, i'm sure. i'm trying to think of the basics ... ooh, clothes. i need to be clothed everyday. and i can't stand not brushing my teeth.
Would you share a drink with a stranger? ehh no
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? my grandma, probably, but that was 2-ish years ago
Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? it's not a case of right and wrong. it's a case of i-don't-really-care.
How do you feel about your life right now? i have many blessings to be thankful for
How many times have you been pulled over by the police? none
Do you hate anyone? no. except for adam lambert haha. cuz he is just the biggest douche on the planet.
Do you talk dirty to people? no ... ?
If we were to look in your inbox, what would we find? work schedules, notifications from ebay and amazon, a shitload of spam, and the occasional e-mail from my penpal
Last person you talked to on the phone? my supervisor, and before that my good friend katie
Can you easily tell if someones fake? depends on the definition of fake ... i judge people easily and think they're airheads but get proved wrong
How's your heart? it's working pretty well, apparently
Say you were given a drug test right now, Would you pass? yeah
Has anyone ever called you perfect before? yes :( and he didn't know what he was talking about because it turned out he was wrong
What song is stuck in your head? well, i'm currently listening to a song called Without You by Breaking Benjamin so I guess that
Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, who do you want it to be? a really cute boy i like
Wanna have kids before you’re 30?: if so, it wouldn't be too early before then. like maybe 28, 29.
Name something you have to do tomorrow?: take my psychology final
Can you whistle?: somewhat
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? back
What gets in your way of your sleeping? having too many things on my mind, being too cold or hot, not being able to get comfortable, etc.
Are your eyes the same color as your mom's or dad's? they're closer to my mom's, but still not the same
Do you think too much or too little?: i overanalyze things a lot
Do you smile a lot?: no ... ? i guess it depends on who i'm with
Who was your last missed call on your cell phone? some unknown number i didn't feel like answering
Whens the next time you will see the person you like?: the next saturday i am scheduled to work ...
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?: no? i don't have conversations with guys that i hate, duh
Is there something you always wear? i really like this white sweater i got that i have a feeling i'm going to wear a lot. other than that ... mascara, or sunglasses. and earrings.
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?: DOING THIS STUPID SURVEY!! ohmygod it's so long
Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? katie!
Did you have an exciting last weekend? i worked both days. not really.
Have you ever dyed your hair?: yes, but not drastically
What's something that can always make you feel better?: my friends telling me they love me and i matter to them
Will this weekend be a good one?: it should be, cuz school will be out and i'll get to go see a movie or do something fun
What do you want right now? to ace my last two finals, but that's not gonna happen
Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?: i have a couple shirts that are for guys, so yeah. like one of my favorite shirts ever, actually.
Have you ever worked in a food place? yeah ... the employee kitchen at Lagoon
What would you name your future daughter?: I like the names Ava, Devon, Chloe, Spencer, and Grace. but my tastes change a lot.
The last thing you heard?: Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin (good song)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
"Deaf Again" + B-day Wish List
But if you want to read it, borrow it from me instead of paying that much money for it.
- Breaking Benjamin: Phobia
- Sufjan Stevens: Illinois
- Owl City
- New Moon Soundtrack
- 30 Seconds to Mars’s new cd
- John Mayer’s new cd
- maybe some Shinedown
- Rise Against: The Sufferer and the Witness
- new Muse cd
- Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner
- Crank by Ellen Hopkins
- Brave New World
- The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
- Love Letters of Great Men by John C. Kirkland
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Heart on My Sleeve by Ellen Wittlinger
- Let It Snow by John Green, Lauren Myracle, & Maureen Johnson
- The Bad Girl’s Guide to the Open Road by Cameron Tuttle
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Religious Explorations
Today I had an interesting experience at school that has pretty much just left me confused and wondering. I happened to stumble upon a group of preachers on campus who were, I guess, trying to convert people to whatever it was they were preaching. I noticed the most common word on the table of free books that I stood by for half an hour was the word Christianity, but that could mean a number of things. Having to jump into the middle of already-started conversations, I did my best to ascertain the facts. Pretty much, the only thing I learned for sure was that this group of people apparently preaches mostly on the campus of USU, and is highly affiliated with Oasis Books in Logan. It looked like they were entirely preaching out the New Testament. Being the naïve and sheltered person that I am, I’m not very familiar with other religions so maybe they have a name and I’m just too stupid to know. But I DO know they were very anti-LDS, which was causing a lot of debate in the area.
When I first walked by, a man standing on a chair was yelling at a crowd of people saying “You’re going to hell! You are all wicked people, and I am telling you this because I love you!” In the five minutes I listened to THAT I didn’t get what the heck he was saying it for, so instead I listened to the guy at the book table talk to some students. I couldn’t really grasp the main point of what either of them were trying to say, except for the table guy kept talking about how we are never going to be perfect beings and without sin, so we should just give up on trying and abandon the commandments. He said they exist in order to show us of this evilness inside of us, so that we realize that we cannot save ourselves by works, but we must turn towards God, which is a pretty vague statement by itself.
The guy seemed to be saying that Mormons are especially bad at this – doing the works and following the rules because they think it will save them and get them to Heaven. If you’re reading this and you know me, you know that I’m Catholic, and I personally agree that this bit of the Mormon religion is quite malarkey (thought other people are the exact same way). Following rules is not going to get us to Heaven, however, for table guy to say that we don’t have to worry about correcting our sins because what we do doesn’t save us is pretty dumb. I get that we’re imperfect and we’ll never be able to stop sinning, but shouldn’t we at least put forth effort and reduce the number of harmful things we do to other people? As in, Thou Shall Not Kill?? I feel like this guy was saying we can do whatever we want in life because Christ died for our sins, therefore we’re in the clear.
They’ve got all these info cards and booklets about different stuff – I picked one up called The Impossibility of Agnosticism, because in answering someone’s question about if people go to Hell because they don’t KNOW about God, table guy said nobody doesn’t know about God so that’s not an excuse. This made me mad, so then another person was like, “What about infants who die before they can learn or comprehend anything?” And I was like yeah! (in my head), and then table guy proceeded to half-avoid the question and half-answer it with something that made no sense. So anyway, I read a little bit of the booklet at home just now and it ALSO made no sense. Thus, I am confused about the whole experience and I just don’t know what these people want from us … except to acknowledge we are sinners and can never be perfect, but after that I’m lost. So what, we’re all going to hell? By the time I left they still hadn’t told anybody what to do about it. I seriously considered the possibility that it was just one big psychology experiment to see how they could get a rise out of college kids, because they certainly managed to.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Intro to ...
Learn to Drive Stick
Visit New York (Dec. 2009)
Visit Italy
Attend 15 concerts I enjoy (1/3 of the way there!)
Fly a Plane Solo
Pick up a Hitchiker
Obtain Motorcycle License and become a Badass who rides motorcycles
Raise a Family
Learn to Play the Drums
Learn the entire Thriller Dance
Visit all 50 states